So many times our encounters with Scripture are limited to Sabbath School lessons, Bible study guides or good books, rather than a raw encounter with the Word itself, on its own, unflitered merit. Those resources certainly have their place, but none of them will ever replace familiarity with raw Scripture. Our aim is to move away from consulting books and commentaries so readily when we get stumped or bored, to really mining the Scripture for its own meaning. Below is a list of the various ways we'll be encouraging this renewed focus on Scripture.
Bible Memorization Class. Come and join us for a Bible Memorization support group every Sabbath and experience the joy of hiding the word of God in your heart. Check calendar for times.
Bible Book Focus. We will be focusing this year on the book Desire of Ages, as well as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Bible Study Resources. (Audio links, too!) Here is a list of useful Bible study resources! Enjoy!
Scripture Song Resources. You will find a collection of links to Scripture resources, some of which are free!
Read the Bible through, along with several of Ellen White's books within one year. Here's the file. If you would like to make your own custom version, click here to download an Excel file.